People Across Taiwan Strait Worshiped Guangong in Dangyang of Hubei
Comprehensive news of World Guangong Culture Website: on September 16, the 10th Guangong Culture Festival and the 20th Hubei Dangyang Guangong Mausoleum Temple Fair was held in Dangyang of Hubei. The representatives of Guandi Temple, representatives of Guangong culture society, Guangong followers and tourists from various regions across Taiwan Strait worshipped Guangong in Guangong Mausoleum and witnessed opening of Bozi Temple of Guangong Mausoleum and open light of Guanping prince statue.
Distinguished guests entering into Guangong Mausoleum of Danyang (photographed by Zhu Zhengming)
Worship ceremony scene (photographed by Zhu Zhengming)
Worship ceremony scene (photographed by Zhu Zhengming)
Accompanied by ancient music, the sacrifice official wearing Han clothing started to greet god, pray, worship on bended knees and chant funeral oration, which just liked ancient folk sacrifice in Qing dynasty. The representatives of Guandi temple from Yuncheng of Shanxi, Luoyang of Henan, Dongshan of Fujian, Yulin of Shaanxi and the Guandi followers from Taibei, Xinzhu and Yilan of Taiwan prayed and gave a salute to Guandi. Mr. Lan Mingquan and his group from Xietian Temple in Qiaoxi of Yilan in Taiwan have gone to Guangong Mausoleum of Dangyang for worshiping for many years.
The vice-chairman of the World Guangong Culture Promotion Association Zhu Zhengming said: holding large scale Guangong worship activity is aimed at expanding Chinese martialist’s spirit of loyalty, righteousness, humaneness, braveness and integrity.