Jingzhou,Hubei: The worship ceremony in Guangong Temple
Comprehensive news of World Guangong Culture Website It is said that June 14th (lunar calender May 13th) is the birth date of Guangong. In the early period,Guangong built the Jingzhou ancient city and made a huge achievement in Jingzhou, Jingzhou citizens called him “the first mayor of Jingzhou city”.
Yesterday,it is the 1851th anniversary of the birth date of the first mayor,Guangong. The departments concerned in Jingzhou held the 2011 worship ceremony. In the pouring rain, many fans of Guangong extended their profound yearnings of Guangong.
In recently years, a huge-scale worship ceremony to Guangong is held every year.Compared to the worship ceremonies to Guangong during the past years, the worship ceremony is all multi-faced this year.
Splendid and great hall of Guandi Temple
The worship of Guangong with flowers and fruits,is not only beautiful and make people feel warm-hearted, but also low-carbon and environment friendly.
The worship ceremony and wish happiness and bliss to motherland
In the pouring rain, the splendid worship ceremony began at the hall gate of Jingzhou Guandi Temple. A mandala stands right against the the splendid statue of Guandi. Every level is full of grains and rice,fruits and flowers and some other kinds of offerings.
The monks in Zhanghua Temple began to patter at 6:30 in the early morning, this ceremony lasted more than three hours.
The dean of the administration committee of Guandi Temple,Jiang Shengxi said that the aim of introduction of the worship ceremony is to pray for Jingzhou and the whole China,hope that flood and drought are far from Jingzhou and have a favorable weather conditon,at the same time, it will contribute to the harmoious development of the society.
The scene of the splendid and solemnworship ceremony
The scene of the splendid and solemnworship ceremony
Fine collection and Carrying Forward the Splendid World Guangong Culture
Jingzhou is birth place of the culture of Three Kingdoms period and it is also the birth place of Guangong Culture.
Guangong guarded Jingzhou for nine years and his spirit of Loyalty, righteousness, humaneness, braveness and integrity has always been respected by all the people since the ancient time.Guangong enjoys the reputation of Guandi, the god of martial arts and Chinese God of Wealth and the Guangong culture that derive from him has a profound influence on the whole world.
Yesterday ,many super fans of Guangong still held the exposition of the collection of Guangong culture,such as stamps,magnectic cards and paintings with holy acheievements.it is attract the attention of all the people. The Guangong culture that dugged from the perspective of folk customs is unforgettable.
in the Guandi Temple,
The memory of Guangong cultute will never fade
Guangong culture has become the top brand of Jingzhou. The memory of Guangong cultute will never fade.
When it comes to Guangong culture,Zhu Zhengming, the vice-president of World Guangong Culture Promotion Association,born in holy place of Three Kingdoms,Dangyang is also a citizen of Jingzhou.He thinks that Jingzhou is the place that Guangong overwhelms the whole land of China and Guangong Culture here is full of charm.
Keep up with the pace of times and conduct the worshiping environment-friendly Journalists learned that people in all parts of China usually used the animals to worship Guangong in the past, but this time Jingzhou worship ceremony of Guangong adopt the proposal of the president of Deyuan Group in Liaoning,Mrs Cui Yujin and use flowers, fruits,rice,grains,oil lanterns to worship Guangong,this act opened the era of modern worshiping of Guangong in five great Guandi Temples of China. This way of worshiping ceremony is not only low-carbon, low-carbon and environment friendly,bur also full of beauty and cleanness.
Article: Su ling, Xiao Rong,Li Tianran,Chen Dongqing,Wang Zelong;
Photographed by Zhu Zhengming)