Dangyang,Hubei: The autumn worshiping ceremony of Guangong is held ceremoniously.
Comprehensive news of World Guangong Culture Website:
In the morning of October 11th, The autumn worshiping ceremony of Guangong is held ceremoniously in Dangyang,Hubei.
Scholars,entrepreneurs from the both straits,the representatives from the Guandi Temple of Jiezhou,Shanxi,Guanlin,Luoyang in Henan province and Jingzhou,Hubei and all the natives took part in this ceremony.
In the ceremony of welcoming the guests,natives in Dangyang were performing Carol of Guangong sincerely.
In the ceremony of welcoming the guests, Zhu Zhengming, the vice-president of World Guangong Culture Promotion Association gave Zheng Tinggui, secretary of a municipal committee of the CPC in Dangyang a Thang-ga of Guangong as a present.
The temple of Guandi in Guanlin,Dangyang of province has been upgraded to national Intangible Cultural Heritage.
In the worshiping ceremony, director general of cutural section in Yichang,Wang yongping readout the list of the third group of nationl untangible cultural heritage and confer the brand. Since then,the temple of Guandi in Guanling,Dangyang has become one of the nationl untangible cultural heritages in folk art. The dean of college of Liberal Arts in Mingdao University of Taiwan and the professor of research section Dr Chen Weide addressed a speech and gave a painting as a present to Guanling,Dangyang. Chen Weide said that the activity of holding the worshiping ceremony has a huge significance in spreading Guangong spirit of loyalty, righteousness, humaneness, braveness and integrity.
Guangong is the representative of the whole Chinese nation and his spirit of oyalty, righteousness, humaneness, braveness and integrity will be passed down from one generation to generation.besides the mainland and Taiwan,the influence of spirit and power of Guangong has been spread as far as the footsteps of the oversea chinese and the Guangong culture has become one part of traditional culture of the whole Chinese nation.He hope that Chinese people can spread Guangong spirit of “loyalty, righteousness, humaneness, braveness and integrity, carry forward Guandi culture,realize the revitalization of Chinese nation.
People at home and aboard were burning incense for Guangong
Pig,cow and lamb were used to worship Guangong in Guanling,Dangyang
Ten o’clock in the moring, the 2011 autumn worshiping ceremony of Guangong is held ceremoniously.the card-holders and flag-holders and relative people for sacrifice entered the spot,Guan Zhangxun,the posterity of Guangong conferred the title and ribbon. The rituals of autumn worshiping ceremony of Guangong include the reception of god,burning incense,reciting the article,offering the presents,offering the silk,reciting the festa,spreading the grains,the preparation of wine,seeing off the god and conduct the final ritual.
The dean of relics administrative section,Liu Jiubing and the president of Deyuan Group,Mrs. Cui Yujingg were guiding the girls in Dangyang to arrange flowers for the ancient tomb of Guandi.
Girls in Dangyang were arranging flowers in the front of the ancient tomb of Guandi
The ancient tomb of Guandi is surrounded by all kinds of flowers
The flowers and friuts in front of the stele of Guandi
People from all walks of life were worshiping in front of the ancient tomb of Guandi
It is learned that 20 autumn worshiping ceremonies of Guangong has been held ceremoniously and successfully in Dangyang since the 1990s. the highlight of this ceremony is that the gate of Guailing,the hall,the ancient tomb of Guandi and the stele of Guangong are all surrounded by lily,orchid,rose, carnation and some other kind of flowers and full of fragrance there.
The sponsor of the more than sixty group of flowers is the president of Deyuan Group,Mrs. Cui Yujing.her act was praised by friends at home and aboard.