Guangong gold coin: flashing with the National Emblem of the People’s Republic of China News: Recently, Guangong gold coin has received the honor of the "Most Popular Chinese Gold Coin". This gold coin of 2011edition, of which one side is the Peking Opera makeup of Guangong and the other side is the Chinese national emblem, has stood out from more than 60 varieties throughout the year and become the "Most Popular". I am glad to see that St. guangong is flushing with the National Emblem of the People’s Republic of China!
The gold coin of Be Sworn Brothers issued by the People's Bank of China of 1995.
The gold coin of the Peking Opera Makeup of Guangong issued by the People's Bank of China of 2011.
The colorful gold coin of the 5-ounce Peking Opera Makeup of Guangong issued by the People's Bank of China of 2012.
The gold coin of “Guangong reads the Spring and Autumn Annals at night” issued by the People's Bank of China of 1995.
The colorful gold and silver coin of the Peking Opera Makeup of Guangong issued by the People's Bank of China of 2012, of which the 5-ounce gold coin greatly shows the heroic pride . A pair of phoenix eyes with the upturned corners of the eyes and a fluid glance, looking around with brightness, which outpours the heroic spirit and elegance.
The author learned that since the 1995, the state has issued five gold coins of Guangong, of which the price is very high. The most expensive one is "Be Sworn Brothers", of which the price has exceeded 1.8 million yuan. With the image of Guangong, the price is more than 40 times higher than the price of gold.
For the heaviest 5-ounce gold coin, China only issued 5 categories of Guan Gong, Zheng Chenggong, Qi Baishi, Deng Xiaoping, and Marco Polo. (Article/Zhu Mo; figure/Wang Luo)